Monday, 2 July 2018

Importance and Necessity of Criminal Background Check Software

In earlier days, the process of criminal verification was a very labour-intensive process. It would require runners to be sent to courthouses as well as the state of local agencies to verify information about an individual. This included school transcripts and more importantly the criminal history on all the potential candidates.
With the advent of technology and the ‘digital age’, we have seen this process becoming more database driven. Even so, candidates still find a way to lie on their applications and this is no more worrisome than with the criminal background checking information.
Criminal Background Check 

Healthy and Safe Work Environment
When it is the responsibility of the organisation to create a safe and sustainable workplace, an employer should ensure they avoid hiring individuals who have a criminal record or a history of violence. A criminal background check can bring to light any instances of illegal activity or unpredictable behaviour that an applicant is trying to conceal.
Doing extensive criminal background checks can help the organisation with the following main elements:
  •         Time and Expense
  •          Reduced Liability
  •          Errors

Platform to Find Errors

Checks360 software platform enables employers to verify the information that the candidate has provided with the information and data that they receive from recruitment agencies and produce a report to elucidate the employer of the same. 

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